Local Consult FAQ
Thank you for your interest in the latest round of KDOT's Local Consult meetings. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about these meetings, scheduled for October and November of 2019.
What should I expect from the second round of Local Consult meetings?
1. We will share the vision for FORWARD, the state’s next 10-year transportation program, and explain how feedback from the first round of Local Consult informed that vision.
2. We will discuss transportation assets and needs at a district level and gather feedback on your priorities among KDOT’s various programs, such as transit, rail, bicycle/pedestrian, cost-share, economic development, local bridge, etc. We also want to hear how the programs could work better for stakeholders.
3. We will share draft engineering and economic impact scores for highway modernization and expansion projects and gather feedback on those scores as well as hear what highway projects are regional priorities.
I attended the first round of Local Consult meetings in August. Should I attend the second round?
Yes. The first round of meetings was designed to use scenario planning to think boldly about transportation needs of the future. The second round of meetings will build on what we heard from Kansans in August and provide more specific opportunities to discuss regional priorities for FORWARD, the state’s next 10-year transportation program.
I was not able to attend the first round of Local Consult meetings, but I want to talk about transportation in my region. What should I do?
Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. We will provide an overview of the process to date and explain our next steps to make sure everyone will be able to effectively participate in these input-gathering sessions to be a part of FORWARD.
I am unable to attend the meeting closest to me. Can I attend another meeting in a different region?
The information we share about the next transportation program, called FORWARD, will be the same at every meeting. You are certainly welcome to attend any meeting regardless of where you live or work. However, each meeting will have a significant portion dedicated specifically to the needs of that particular region, and some understanding of those needs would be helpful for participating in the discussions.
I have information about a project I care about. Will I be able to present it at these meetings?
We are always interested in hearing information about projects and appreciate those who bring it to us. We will not have time set aside during this round of meetings for public presentations of projects. If you have ideas or further information about specific projects that you think we should know about, please bring a short summary with you (including your contact information) and we will collect those summaries at the meetings and use them in future planning efforts.
Will KDOT be selecting what highway projects they’ll construct after Local Consult?
The short answer: not for a while. These Local Consult meetings are one step in the process to help KDOT better understand its stakeholders’ priorities. The input we receive will be used to help develop the local input portion of the project scores, along with input we’ve received over the years. We may also need to step back and review some of the engineering and economic impact scores based on information we hear at Local Consult. If FORWARD, the new transportation program, is approved by the Kansas Legislature, KDOT will use the engineering and economic impact scores, along with the input from Local Consult, to select projects.