(clockwise from top) Chris Herrick, Division Director, KDOT; Anne Smith, Executive Director, Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency and Chair of the Kansas Public Transit Association; Sen. Mike Petersen, Chair of Senate Transportation Committee; and Rep. Richard Proehl, Chair of House Transportation Committee were all speakers at this year's Transit Day at the Capitol. Please see the link, below, to hear their remarks on how transit and paratransit services support Kansas' economy, job market, access to education, and increased health outcomes.
KDOT administers public transportation programs funded by the Federal Transit Administration and the State of Kansas. Both the federal and state programs are designed to meet the transportation needs of elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and the general public. KDOT currently supports approximately 145 transit programs covering most of the state's 105 counties.
Call for SFY 2025 5311/5310 Applications
SFY 2025 applications for the General Public Transportation (5311) and Specialized Transportation for the Elderly and Disabled (5310) Programs are now being accepted. Awards will provide federal and state funding assistance for operating and capital public transportation expenses and will run from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. All applications must be submitted in KDOT’s BlackCat Grant Management Software by Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Operating will be awarded at a pro rata of 50% federal FTA funds, 20% State funds, and 30% local match. Capital funds are available at 80% federal, 20% local pro rata.
For more information on KDOT’s Office of Public Transportation, including specific application details, please click here for (Application Instructions) and view a recorded webinar from our Grant Application Workshop hosted by the University of Kansas SFY 2025 KDOT Public Transportation Grant Application Webinar. If you need access to the BlackCat Grant Management Software or if you have any questions, please contact KDOTtransit@ks.gov to request login information
VIDEO: Transit Day at the Capitol 2020
We have created a short video that covers this year's event, including remarks from all the guest speakers. Feel free to share this link with your employees, networks, and governing bodies to illustrate how important public transit is to Kansans of every age and ability.
VIDEO: Getting Everyone to Everywhere video now available
We're very pleased to release the video that I showed at the Transit presentation for the Legislative Task Force. Thanks to KU-RTAP, OCCK, Flint Hills aTa Bus, and Nemaha County for being a huge part of what made the final video so excellent, and so well-received by the Task Force and everyone at KDOT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4whYW0QIxo&feature=em-share_video_user
Current Program Guidance
Public Transportation Policy Manual (2023)
Transit Manager's Handbook (2020)
Approved Trainer Program (revised July 2023)
Mobility Manager Policy Manual (revised May 2024)
KDOT Coordinated Plans (Dec 2018)
Appendix A - Regional Routes and Providers (included in each CTD Plan)
Appendix B - Coordination of Transportation Services
Appendix C - Mobility Manager Financing, Duties, and Best Practices
Regional Business Model (2012)
Regional Transit Business Model Volume I-II
Regional Transit Business Model Appendix
Plans and Studies
Kansas Intercity Bus Study Final Report (2013)
I-70 Corridor Transit Feasibility Study
Dodge City Fixed Route Transit Study
Funding Programs
5311(f) Intercity Bus Application (2023)
Triennial Reviews
5310: Triennial Interview Guide (revised 3/8/21)
5311: Triennial Interview Guide (revised 3/19/21)
2024 Transit Vehicles Specs, Pre-Order Forms, and Amendments
Contact Lists
CTD Contact List (Updated February 2024)
CTD Meeting Information (2024 Meeting Schedule)
KDOT Funded Maintenance Facilities
FTA Maintenance Facility Checklist
Annual Building Inspection Checklist
Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Checklist
Title VI Information
Other Links
CTD Map Transit Provider Directory
Kansas Rides Regional Public Transportation
Kansas Rural Transit Assistance Program
Kansas Public Transit Association
Incident Forms
FTA Post-Accident Decision Form
Incident Report Form – Bus Accident
Incident Report Form – Cutaway Accident
Incident Report Form – Ramp Van Accident
Incident Report Form – Non-Vehicle Incident
Vehicle and Service Update Forms