Outdoor Advertising

The Highway Beautification Highway Advertising Control Act of 1972 (K.S.A. 68-2231 et seq), revised in 2006 allows for the Secretary of Transportation to control outdoor advertising signs (billboards) adjacent to the federal –aid primary system in existence on June 1, 1991, and any highway which is not on such system but which is on the national highway system.

Advertising Signs in Kansas Brochure

Kansas Department of Transportation Outdoor Advertising Control Map

Kansas Highway Advertising Control Act

Application for Directional and Official Signs

Application for Commercial Advertising Signs

Sign Transfer Application

Sign Modification Application

Sign License Replacement Plate Application


Vegetation Management

Vegetation Management Policy, Forms and Documents


Salvage Yards

The Junkyard and Salvage Control Act (K.S.A 68-2201 et seq) implemented in 1967 grants to the Secretary of Transportation the authority to regulate the establishment, operations, and maintenance salvage yards in areas within one thousand feet of any public road in the State of Kansas.

The Kansas Department of Transportation can only certify a salvage location if the local governing body will allow such location to exist. In addition, any location not in a zoned industrial area must be screened so that all "junk" shall not be visible from the main traveled way. An application is required to obtain a license (Certificate of Compliance). In addition, a $50 annual fee is required.

As of April 1, 2018 the following will be required on all new applications:  Copy of Land Deed & Property Diagram from City or County.

Kansas Junkyard and Salvage Control Act

Kansas Junkyard And Salvage Control Administrative Regulations


Why your location is subject to the Act

Application for Salvage and Storage Certificate of Compliance

Transfer Application for Adding/Removing Partner or Landowner

Screening for Junkyards Policy

Dealing in used salvage motor vehicles and/or used or recycled parts required a license issued by the Kansas Department of Revenue, Division of Vehicles under K.S.A. 8-24-1(y) and 8-81404(t) at http://ksrevenue.org/pdf/d35.pdf 

Information regarding the Scrap Metal Dealer Register is located at http://www.kslegislature.org/bills/2008/2035.pdf

For information regarding handling and disposal of waste materials in Kansas contact the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Waste Management at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/168/Waste

For further Information please contact:

Beautification Administrator
Toll Free: 1-877-461-6817
Office: 785-296-8615

Kansas Department of Transportation
Bureau of Right of Way
Eisenhower State Office Building - 14th Floor
700 SW Harrison St
Topeka, KS 66603-3745
Toll Free: 1-877-461-6817
Hearing Impaired: 711