Hot Mix Aggregate Specific Gravity Values
This site provides aggregate specific gravity values for contractors to use to calculate the VMA for hot mix designs for projects in each letting. This procedure is being used to reduce some of the risks associated with bidding projects in the letting. Actual specific gravity values of the individual aggregates used on the projects should be determined as part of the mix design review process. Changes in geology, processing, location, test procedures, and the passing of time may cause changes in the specific gravity. KDOT will honor, as a minimum value, only those specific gravities in black print. The values in red print at the end of each list have not been verified within the required timeframes. They are for information only and the specific gravities must be verified before the aggregates are used on any KDOT projects. The specific gravity values for the aggregates shown in red may be adjusted up or down by the districts to reflect the results of their tests.
Note: If no list is shown for the current month, use the previous month’s list.
Monthly Hot Mix Aggregate Specific Gravity Values
January 22 January 23 January 24
February 22 February 23 February 24
September 22 September 23 September 24